Creeping RFKJrism at HHS

Still uncertain precisely how long the duration will be. But we’re getting fast emerging information that there appears to be an indefinite halt on the various meetings, review panels and so forth that keep the pipeline of medical research funding going in the US. This article in Science gives a broad overview. Put simply this just turns off the spigot of funding for a huge amount of cancer research as well as research across various other health fields and diseases. The article makes clear that there have been brief pauses before when a new administration takes office. But all signs suggest this is far more thorough-going and draconian. This comes after a similar halt to the weekly MMWR report which CDC sends to hospitals and doctors every week with information on flu, covid and other infectious diseases.
I think we’re at the point in this where you can’t yet categorically say that this is being done for RFK Jr adjacent anti-research nuttery but basically all signs point in that direction. And there is at least a temporary and disruptive halt to how health research gets funded in this country.