Day Two

After a morning meeting I sat down to my computer at around 11:30 am and read two reader emails picked more or less at random out of my inbox. The first was from an American expat. The gist of his email was that American liberals – Blue America, for lack of a better descriptor – are totally unprepared for what’s coming down the pike toward them. The second was from a federal government employee reviewing the executive orders relevant to the federal workforce and explaining to me in so many words, yeah, good luck with that. The expat’s email was generally more pessimistic and totalizing than I’m inclined to be. You may differ and you may be right; who knows? But in general the two emails together captured the moment as well or better than any report, essay or interview I might have read – a mix of actions and red flags almost unimaginable by any normal standard (though in virtually every case unsurprising) mixed with an underbrush of the sheer size, inertia and difficulty of whatever changes Trump is trying to make. They’re both true. Both true at once.